• PhotoRoom-20231110_004152
  • 20231110_003840

Taiwan's Secret Realm - Dalupalringi 雙鬼湖

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Lake Daku and Lake Shangu are two alpine lakes in Taiwan that hold significant cultural and spiritual importance for the Rukai people, one of the indigenous groups of the island. To the Rukai, these lakes are sacred sites, considered to be the dwelling places of ancestral spirits. They believe that the lakes and the surrounding forests are sacrosanct and should not be disturbed casually, often linked with tribal legends and historical narratives.

Located in the high altitudes of Taiwan's Central Mountain Range, their remoteness and sacred status generally discourage visits by non-Rukai individuals. These lakes are not only part of the Rukai cultural heritage but also key to the biodiversity and ecological conservation efforts in Taiwan. 

Habitat Protection - Major Wildlife Habitats - Shuang-guei Lake Major Wildlife Habitat (forest.gov.tw)